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Tuesday 13 September 2016

worthymama's Tate a Tate for Smarter Kids

While teaching in a prestigious secondary and tertiary institution where children with buoyant parents attend (ofcourse the school fees is over the roof top in commiseration to the quality of education rendered there), I noticed a pattern and an attitude from both the parents and their children that triggered this write up!what was is I noticed about them?The majority of the kids were averagely intelligent academically but smarter in vain knowledge typical of their age or generation such as the latest movie series,celebrity gossip,trending video games,fashion, etc and most importantly they ranked low on issues of morals and virtues like courtesy!
I observed from the body language of most of the parents that they were always eager to drop their kids off at the boarding house and return to their most seeming "too busy" schedules to meet with the demands of their exorbitant lifestyle!ha did I mention that some of these parents were snubs and looked down on the teachers as paupers of which their children exhibit same.The pattern of attitude I observed from some of the students were their inability to focus on their academics reflecting in their low grades and this I believe stems from the lack of interest by their parents about that aspect of their life!They leave it all for the teacher,hey hey,teacher the nanny, the moral and academic educator,just one person is expected to do that for over 50 kids but how can this be?

That attitude from most parents of "what am I paying school fees for,let the teacher handle everything" or "Where is the time to go through these children's school work, let the help do that on my behalf" the help you say?which moral right does the help has to be a role model for kids that arent hers or his?please, what level of education does this help have that you grant him or her the authority to approve your child's homework?Do  not be fooled,a man reaps what he sows,sow laziness of "I am usually too tired when I get back from work, I do not need to check the kids school work"hmn,worthymamas,show me kids who top the academic roll call in their schools and I will show you the angels behind their success!their Mummies!Yes I say their mothers because it is only a worthymama that has the inclination to be patient with the learning process of her child, although some worthypapas do spend time teaching their kids,the mamas still carry my vote!(laughs)

It is not by casting and binding the spirit of dullness in your child,the magic behind an academically intelligent child is NO MAGIC but your extra effort in teaching your kid yourself! even if it is once a week, do not leave it all up to the school teacher. They trust you most! spend time teaching your children atleast twice a week especially weekends or revise their daily school work and you will be totally proud and fulfilled when you cheer them on their prize  giving day!

I understand the situation could be dicey as children take the academic input of their parents for granted compared to their school teachers, consistency is the key!be firm in your decision such as punishments for disobedience and time slot for studying if your schedule tally in like manner. Dont be too tired for your child's progress as sacrificing our pleasures for our children is inert, though you might be mentally overwhelmed with handling academic schedules with your child,please for whatever reason, do not push your child away be it physically or verbally when he or she comes to you for your input in their school work. you can diplomatically appeal to the child or if possible ask their dad to handle it but dont turn them down often!

One of the major issues we as mothers are guilty of indulging is criticizng more rather than encouraging!children get withdrawn if their parent only rebuke and that decreases their faith in our ability to guide them hence they prefer confiding in their teachers even in issues other than their academics so lets watch it!encouragement with words and deeds puts the child at ease and that will make them give their full attention.Please ensure you give them the right answer to their questions even though it might not be immediate as what you tell makes an impression  permanently!

Please observe these when studying with your kids at home:

  • choose a specific or a most suitable time for study such that times like bed time or dinner time is not compromised.
  • map out the number of hours to be used.
  • take breaks in between as children's attention are volatile.
  • ensure your child sits on a comfortable chair and uses the right height of table.
  • arrange all writing materials before you begin,your child can be delegated to do so as this will reduce unnecessary movement and distractions.
  • make sure the television is not switched on or any other form of unnecessary noise/distraction in the environment.
  • do not be quick to use force while studying such as threat.
  • use illustrations they are comfortable and familiar with for easy assimilation.
wheew,do you know of any other issues I have left out that you think its worth sharing?do drop your comment in the comment box below and dont forget to share this article with others!have a great week ahead as our children resumes and settles for the start of this academic year.


Tuesday 19 July 2016


I used to have a mum once. She was light skinned, fine and tall (I wonder why I didn't get the height). She was fund of me and of course, she beat me often. The beatings, although, were borne out of love. One day, I can't remember what I was doing, but I'm sure it appeared naughty as was the norm those days. She told me something. She said "son, how come your body is always good to beat?" Funny aye, but true.
And then I remember when I went to a new school and I was going to write an entrance exam into primary two or so. The teacher asked me to spell "English Language." And I wrote only 'English.' Because I wasn't sure how to spell the rest and I didn't want to disappoint my momma. You see, Just before I entered the exam hall, she had told me "I know you will always make me proud." I didn't want to disappoint her.
I remember sometime when I was between 2 and 4 years. My mummy was sleeping and her legs were open. I and Mimi went in and secretly looked to see what's between her legs. That day she beat me and rubbed grinded pepper all over me as punishment. But of course she couldn't stand it. So she got water and soap and washed me almost immediately. She carried me up and held me close and said to me "Ferny, don't do that again. I know you are a good boy, don't join your sister to do such things again."
And there was this time despite her warnings, I wanted to wear Ijaw native attire to my school end-of-year party. So I took my white top, a walking stick and wrapper and ran to school. Several minutes later she came to school and saw me. I was proud of myself but I didn't know if she would spank me or hug me. She looked at me funny. And then she said "this boy you will not kill me. Look how you wore the wrapper inside out." Then she dressed me properly.
Oh and when I fasted. It was supposed to be a three day fast. But she and the rest of the house couldn't do it. I decided to. I went to church and stayed two days and a night without food, water or company. She was really proud of me, my mother. After the second day, I went to her shop, and asked the help to give me something to eat. You see, there were no mobile phones then and there wasn't a landline in the shop. So, the help refused, stating that she would only do that with mummy's permission. Luckily, mum came some time after and when she was told the story, she smiled. She said "do you want to kill my son? This my great son that is doing the things I cannot do." She believed in me, that woman.
On a certain evening, my neighbor blew me a balloon. I thought it looked familiar and so I said what I thought. I said, at 5 or so years "the balloon looks like my mummy's breast." Oh naughty me. Everyone laughed and word got to my mom. She just looked at me with a mixture of disdain and love. And then all she said was "this boy, you won't kill me."
Unfortunately, she didn't live long enough to say a lot of other things to me. She died when I was ten. But I remember when she told me to be a gentleman, and when she hugged me. And I remember she loved me. She was proud of me and had absolute faith in me, before I even had faith in myself. I couldn't afford to disappoint her then, and I cannot afford to disappoint my momma now. And with tears in my eye I am writing this 15 years after her demise. I've almost forgotten her voice...but I remember her words. I'll miss her. I am missing her now. But alas, I won't forget my mother and all the things she told me. I will always remember my mummy -
Fernandez Marcus Obiene


This write-up will consider three important things including the 'anti-corruption' fight by Mr. President and the fight against terrorism as well as Federal appointments so far. Notice that the word 'anti-corruption' is in quote. That is because there is some question that needs to be answered with regard to that issue. So I start.
I have to say, I had considered Mr. President a clueless man. His mistaking the name of his own political party and the name of his deputy, for me, was nothing short of a show of the absence of the requisite intellectual and/or psychological capacity to run the country. This position was compounded by the fact that fairly recently, he referred to 'West Germany' and 'President Michelle.' I was certain at that point that we had a 'cow' for a president. When originally, he failed to nominate members of his cabinet, if there was any doubt left as to the cluelessness of the man we had at the helm of affairs of the Nigerian state, it was completely obliterated. I additionally thought that perhaps, he has forgotten that Nigeria is no more under Military rule. I laughed in my mind, at the laughingstock Nigeria would be all through his tenure. But I think I might have judged too soon.
Now that I look closely, I see a man with a plan. A definite plan. A man that intends first, to purge Nigeria of the corruption that has plagued our country for many years. Instead of seeing his refusal to appoint Ministers as a show of indecision and absence of direction, I now consider it a deliberate attempt to ensure that the people he works with are unstained by the oil of corruption. I see that as a show of intelligence and integrity. Our past leaders, Obasanjo, Yara'dua and Goodluck, all failed to rid the Nigerian system of this filth. They built on already existing structures, structures that were fundamentally defective right from the foundation upwards.
I think there is a need for the structures to be destroyed, and for a new one to be built. Other than to gather all the past leaders in a large hall and cause their death, the position taken by Mr. President, PMB, is a step in the right direction. Certainly, a lot of people that benefited in the past government will be affected. These people, and others too, will cry that there is a witch hunt, but seriously, if members of the past administrations are not investigated and prosecuted, who will, or rather who should? Has it not been the same persons who participated in the corruption, or allowed it to go on? All the billions that have been reported stolen during the past administration, was it not these persons who allowed them? Should we now say that because Mr. President doesn't want to seem like he is witch hunting, he should then refuse to investigate and prosecute people who are known or suspected to have committed acts of corruption? That is arrant nonsense.
Now, I may be speaking a little too early, because so far, he is yet to arrest and prosecute any of the persons who openly supported his campaign to become Commander-In-Chief, but consider that those for those persons to have supported PMB, they very likely have not benefitted, or perhaps benefitted minimally from the previous government. My position on this, of course, will change if none of these people is prosecuted soon, because in my opinion, every single one of them is rotten with corruption and ooze the disgusting stench of ill-gotten wealth.
I hope that at the end of the Mr. President's four (4) years, even the policeman who collects N50 from motorists on the street will be affected by the hammer of anti-corruption.
We all should know, however, that for the anti-corruption campaign to be successful, everyone of us will be affected. I myself will be. The reason is not difficult to find, even the most decent of us is guilty of one form of corruption or the other at some point or the other. I don't expect that every single Nigerian will be prosecuted and imprisoned, but that we all should be purged of our sins and repent in the new Nigerian spirit.
Now on the issue of Boko Haram and the terrorism, what I'm going to say now may offend a few, but what I consider to be the truth, must be told. I remember that towards the end of President Goodluck's tenure, I complained about the consistent loss of life that continued unabated in the past few years. I remember saying that if a president is unable to ensure the safety of the citizens of the country, then such government is a failure. I still hold that opinion.
Today, about two months after inauguration of the new government. The insurgency seems to have gotten stronger. The bombing seems to have become more frequent, insecurity is still the order of the day. This has forced the question, so why then did we kick out the old administration, if we are going to continue with the same problems? But before crying too hard on the matter, I realize, had the Boko Haram insurgency suddenly stopped the moment Mr. President got into power, I would have cried fowl play. In my eyes at least, there will be no further need for proof that Buhari or his supporters are the cause or fuel of the insurgency.
The question then begs to be answered, so should the insurgency go on forever? My answer is a solid 'NO!' Another question then is that of whether or not Mr. President has the capacity to improve the situation considering the increased spate of bombings. I have an interesting answer to that line of questioning. To properly answer that questions I'll have to refer to a story I was told about the tiger. Please enjoy the read.
When the tiger is about to die, it doesn't do so quietly. No. It doesn't just sit. It goes to the highest point it can find, and then makes the loudest roar. That is its final legacy. Similarly, when in a fight a strong person is pushed to the wall and there is no where else to turn but forward, he fights back with all his might and uses any tactic he can to get the upper hand. Perhaps you, the reader, have been in a fight or at least watched one, you'll notice that the person who seems about to lose usually tries his best to throw as many punches as he can or be as lethal as he can, the reason, it's either that or accept defeat.
Perhaps, the situation is the same with the insurgents. Maybe they have nowhere to go but to shout their loudest or dish out their strongest punch(es). Perhaps I'm wrong but is that line of though not worth considering? Of course my position on this will change if we don't see the end of the bombings soon. But for now, this explanation is worthy of consideration.
The above being said, I have a problem with the appointments made so far. Apparently, persons from the south-south and south-east region do not have the requisite ability to hold offices in the Federation. This is the notion that is being given by Mr. President's administration.
Mr. President is not a regional president, and as such is expected to govern all sections of the country. Nigeria is a volatile state all interests need to be protected for the nation to be at peace. I note that people from areas in the defunct Biafra are gearing up, because, the federal government is appearing to neglect them.
I am a young man from the Niger Delta, and I want to grow in a country where the same rights and privileges are given to deserving persons not withstanding their place of birth and religious creed. My advice to Mr. President and the APC is that serious consideration should be given to federal character. If not, I smell pending war.
Let's all join hands to make Nigeria great. Let us consider our collective rather than personal interests. A word, my fathers will say, is enough for the wise.


Saturday 16 July 2016

Yhung prinzz - 'Aye Wod MI' (Prod. Dj Coublon)

Nigerias foremost inspirational and multiple award winning singer, Yhungprinzz after dropping 'ukara', berths again with a mind blowing Single titled ‘Aye Wod Mi.  Produced by a Nigerian super producer Dj coublon

Away from the title of the song “Aye wod mi“, this is absolutely a feel good music for all music lovers.

He says its something to wet the appetite of his fans.

For booking and enquires contact @yhungprinzz on twitter and instagram or call 07067412119, 📧 samtexjohn1@gmail.com
DOWNLOAD link https://goo.gl/bPMkq4

Wednesday 13 July 2016

1,000 Nigerian businesses to be promoted by Bamwase

Bamwase in collaboration with , AdviceAfrica  and PromotingAfricans  is set to advertise and promote 1,000 small business in Nigeria for free.
To benefit from this intitiative go to www.bamwase.com and register as a business to register click here,
Verify your email ,
Go to update information and add the products and services you render so whenever someone  requires such products or services in your area they would be able to see your business and contact you.
Not only  would  your business be found and promoted  via Google search and bamwase search, we would also be promoting it on various blogs for free.
Take the first step by logging on to bamwase go to articles/discussion or click here create a new post, write about your business adding pictures,your contact information and social media pages.Post it on bamwase. Your post would be available on various blogs by the next day.
Do you know a small business owner that would benefit from this initiative??Tell them to hurry and create a post about their business. Sign up for a business account and post it on our articles section their business would be promoted by blogs and can be found on Google search,bing and yahoo search by the next day.
Hurry now to be among the 1,000 businesses to be promoted.
Good luck

Saturday 9 July 2016

How To Calculate Your Scores Using The New Jamb Grading System

Since jamb officials has cancelled post UME students who are seeking admission into the university or higher institution should be able to calculate their scores using the official jamb grading system for 2016/2017 admission, below is the table for calculating your new scores.


180 – 185 ---------20 points
186 – 190- --------21points
191 ---195----------22points
196 – 200----- ----23points
201 – 205----------24points
206 – 210-- -------25 points
211 – 215----- ----26 points
216 -220------- ----27 points
221 -225------- ----28 points
226 -230------- ----29 points
231 -235------------30 points
236 – 240---- -----31 points
241 – 245----------32 points
246 -250------------33 points
251 -300------- (34- 43points)
300 -400--------(44–60 points)

1. Single sitting------ 10 points
2. Two Results-------- 2 points

A1---------------------6 points
B2 and B3--- -----4 points
C4 – C6------------3 points

For example
EGUNLETI JACOB MUSA scored 205 in UTME = 24 points
He applies for Political Science
He presents only one WAEC result=10 points
He has 5 credits in the necessary subjects (3 x 5) =15 points
His total points =49 points.
He will now await the school of his choice to release the cut off point for his course.